A duckdalbe

duckdalbe 2011

SimplyRead is a simple program to remove unwanted distractions from webpages, in order to better enjoy reading on the web. It removes everything but the article from a webpage, displaying it simply and attractively.
The program is packaged as an extension for several web browsers, or as a standalone JavaScript program to integrate into other browsers.

Deutschland — pantoffelpunk. Ich kann nicht in Worte fassen, wie widerlich ich das alles finde. Deutschland IST der faschistische Drecksstaat, den ich seit Jugendtagen in diese Republik angeblich nur projeziere.

wbl/cpgb - GitHub. A project to create a replacement for gpg that use Elliptic Curve Cryptography.

hannesm/bibtex-kindle - GitHub. Some elisp code to export bibtex to kindle (pdf metada + collection). I’d love to see this functionality independent from emacs!

65k Open TCP Ports. [A] useful network diagnostic tool to verify if your Internet Service Provider, or company, or home network is blocking outgoing connections to certain port numbers.

xpra up-to-date fork. Xpra is 'screen for X': it allows you to run X programs, usually on a remote host, direct their display to your local machine, and then to disconnect from these programs and reconnect from the same or another machine, without losing any state.

GitLab. All for what you so love github - on your server!

obnam. Backup-software with encryption, de-duplication, without requiring additional software on the server.

assorted cooking advice by apenwarr: "As I mentioned previously, I'm about to disappear into the Google Vortex, across which are stunning vistas of trees and free food and butterflies as far as the eye can see. Thus, I plan to never ever cook for myself again, allowing me to free up all the neurons I had previously dedicated to remembering how." Hilarious.

GriCal is an open web where people store quickly a few information about interesting events.

arver is a tool to manage encrypted harddisks.

SoyWiki turns Vim into a powerful, lean, and fast wiki.

luakit - browser framework - Overview. A “browser from scratch” with SSL-Cert-validation and per-domain-cookie/js-configuration, fully scriptable in lua (in fact, the config is pure lua). I switched immediately.

Ringsgwandl: Staffabruck. Direkt ins Herz, die ganze Platte, nach so vielen Jahren immer wieder.

My word of the week: “to uninvent”. So much beauty happens in my head when I try to imagine “uninventing” something. (Found here.)

Vimium - Chrome Web Store. Makes chromium bearable (on Linux without using a mouse, of course). I still prefer surf as my primary browser but that one lacks some serious features (e.g. SSL-certificate verification) and some sites simply don’t work, so I need a secondary browser. Which is chromium, as the single one full-featured browser being fast and open source.

Projects/KDE on Windows/Installation - KDE TechBase As I heard of the project to port KDE to Windows some years ago I thought: “Wow, that’d be cool! More free, known and manageable applications for Windows-Users!” (‘known’ is especially important if it’s you supporting those Windows-users.) And then I forgot about it. They seem to have made pretty good progress, I’m impressed.

snipMate - TextMate-style snippets for Vim. "snipMate.vim aims to be an unobtrusive, concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim. A snippet is a piece of often-typed text that you can insert into your document using a trigger word followed by a <tab>." Extremely powerful once you dare to rely on it. Also very easy to extend by own snippets (which I almost exclusively did in the beginning, I’m only learning about all the useful snippets already defined).

Z-Type — type faster to survive!

TorChat "is a peer to peer instant messenger with a completely decentralized design, built on top of Tor's location hidden services." Contact me for my TorChat-ID.

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